Hrhssa Collective Agreement
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HRHSSA Collective Agreement: Understanding the Key Components
The Nunavut Healthcare Relief and Support Services Association (HRHSSA) is an organization that represents healthcare relief and support service employees in Nunavut. The HRHSSA Collective Agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for these workers. It is important to understand the key components of this agreement whether you are an employer or an employee.
Scope of the Agreement
The HRHSSA Collective Agreement covers all healthcare relief and support service employees who are members of the HRHSSA and are employed by the Government of Nunavut or one of its agencies. The agreement sets out the terms of employment, including wages, benefits, hours of work, and job security.
Salary and Benefits
The collective agreement outlines the salary and benefits of healthcare relief and support service employees. Employees are paid according to a salary scale that is based on their job classification, and there are provisions for wage increases over time. In addition to salary, employees also receive a variety of benefits, including health and dental insurance, sick leave, and vacation time.
Hours of Work
The HRHSSA collective agreement outlines the hours of work for healthcare relief and support service employees. The standard workweek is 37.5 hours, and there are provisions for overtime pay if employees work more than their scheduled hours. The agreement also allows for flexible work arrangements, including compressed workweeks and job-sharing.
Job Security
The HRHSSA collective agreement includes provisions for job security. The agreement stipulates that employees can only be terminated for just cause, and there is a process for resolving disputes related to job performance or discipline. The agreement also includes provisions for layoff and recall, ensuring that employees who are laid off can be recalled to their jobs if positions become available.
The HRHSSA Collective Agreement is an important document for healthcare relief and support service employees in Nunavut. It outlines the terms and conditions of employment, including salary, benefits, hours of work, and job security. Employers and employees alike should be familiar with the key components of this agreement to ensure that they are in compliance with its provisions.